Cookie- og privatlivspolitik

Når du besøger indsamles der oplysninger om dig, som bruges til at tilpasse og forbedre vores indhold og til at øge værdien af de annoncer, der måtte vises på siden. Hvis du ikke ønsker, at der indsamles oplysninger, bør du slette dine cookies (se vejledning) og undlade videre brug af websitet. Nedenfor har vi uddybet, hvilke informationer der indsamles, deres formål og hvilke tredjeparter, der har adgang til dem.

Websitet anvender ”cookies”, der er en tekstfil, som gemmes på din computer, mobil el. tilsvarende med det formål at genkende den, huske indstillinger, udføre statistik og målrette annoncer. Cookies kan ikke indeholde skadelig kode som f.eks. virus.

Sådan sletter du cookies

Det er muligt at slette eller blokere for cookies. Se vejledning:

Hvis du sletter eller blokerer cookies vil mulige annoncer kunne blive mindre relevante for dig og optræde hyppigere. Du kan desuden risikere at websitet ikke fungerer optimalt samt at der er indhold, du ikke kan få adgang til.

Indlejret indhold fra andre websteder

Indholdet på dette websitet kan indeholde indlejret indhold (f.eks. videoer, billeder, artikler osv.). Indlejret indhold fra andre websteder opfører sig på nøjagtig samme måde, som hvis den besøgende har besøgt det andet websted.

Disse websteder indsamler måske data om dig, bruger cookies, indlejrer ekstra tredjeparts sporing, og overvåger din interaktion med dette indlejrede indhold, heriblandt at spore din interaktion med indlejret indhold, hvis du har en konto og en logget ind på det websted.

Websitet indeholder cookies fra tredjeparter, der i varierende omfang kan omfatte:

  • Google Analytics – som laver statistik på websitet  – Læs Google privatlivspolitik herLæs Google’s Cookiepolitik her
  • YouTube – Ved visning af video fra Youtube – Læs Google’s privatlivspolitik herLæs Google’s Cookiepolitik her
  • Instagram – Visning af billed-feed – Læs Instagrams Datapolitik her
  • Vimeo – Ved visning af video fra Vimeo – Læs Vimeo’s Cookiepolitik herLæs Vimeo’s privatlivspolitik herHer på er der mulighed for at dele hjemmesidens indhold via “share buttons” og disse kan benytte cookies (læs listen herunder):
  • Social Login
    We collect your public profile data only from your consent that you grant before initiating Social Login, from the social network used to login at our website. This data includes your first name, last name, email address, link to your social media profile, unique identifier, link to social profile avatar. This data is used to create your user profile at our website. You can revoke this consent at any time by sending us an email.
  • Facebook Comments
    We embed Facebook Comments plugin to allow you to leave comment at our website using your Facebook account. This plugin may collect your IP address, your web browser User Agent, store and retrieve cookies on your browser, embed additional tracking, and monitor your interaction with the commenting interface, including correlating your Facebook account with whatever action you take within the interface (such as “liking” someone’s comment, replying to other comments), if you are logged into Facebook. For more information about how this data may be used, please see Facebook’s data privacy policy:
  • GooglePlus Comments
    We use GooglePlus Comments widget at our website for you to be able to comment at our webpages using your GooglePlus account. From this interaction Google automatically collects and store certain information in server logs like IP address, device event information such as crashes, system activity, hardware settings, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request, in accordance with their data privacy policy:
  • Disqus Comments
    We use Disqus Comments widget at our website for you to be able to comment at our webpages using Disqus commenting system. Disqus may collect information about you when you register for and use the Service. Such information may include “Personally Identifiable Information” which means information that identifies you as an individual, such information may include, but is not limited to, your name, email address, telephone number, username or account ID, and “Non-Personally Identifiable Information” which means information that does not identify you as an individual. Non-Personally Identifiable Information may include, but is not limited to, information about your browser, your IP address, device ID, what pages you visit on our Partner Sites, which website you came from, what advertisements you clicked on, whether on our Partner Websites, the Service or other third party websites, and other information about your online activity that does not identify you as an individual, in accordance with their data privacy policy:
  • Facebook Comments Moderation
    We collect the data related to the Facebook Comment you post, only from  your consent that you grant before posting Facebook Comment at our website. This data includes your Facebook account name, unique Facebook account identifier, unique identifier associated to the posted Facebook comment, unique open graph object identifier of the webpage at which you posted the comment, unique identifier associated to the parent comment if you reply to an existing comment. This data is used to show recent Facebook Comments made all over our website and/or to show the old comments made at non-SSL webpages before we moved our website to SSL. You can revoke this consent at any time by sending us an email.
  • Facebook Comments Notifier
    We send the Facebook Comment you post, to page/post author and/or website administrator via automated email, only from your consent that you grant before posting Facebook Comment at our website. This data includes just the  Facebook comment posted by you.
  • Social Analytics for Sharing
    We use Google Analytics to track social shares made at our website. Google automatically collect and store certain information in their server logs which includes device event information such as crashes, system activity, hardware settings, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request and referral URL, cookies that may uniquely identify your browser or your Google Account, in accordance with their data privacy policy:
  • Facebook Like, Facebook Recommend, Facebook Share official buttons
    We embed a Facebook widget to allow you to see number of likes/shares/recommends and “like/share/recommend” our webpages. This widget may collect your IP address, your web browser User Agent, store and retrieve cookies on your browser, embed additional tracking, and monitor your interaction with the widget, including correlating your Facebook account with whatever action you take within the widget (such as “liking/sharing/recommending” our webpage), if you are logged in to Facebook. For more information about how this data may be used, please see Facebook’s data privacy policy:
  • Twitter Tweet official button
    We use a Twitter Tweet widget at our website. As a result, our website makes requests to Twitter’s servers for you to be able to tweet our webpages using your Twitter account. These requests make your IP address visible to Twitter, who may use it in accordance with their data privacy policy:
  • GooglePlus, GooglePlus Share official buttons
    We use a GooglePlus widget at our website. As a result, our website makes requests to Google’s servers for you to be able to share our webpages using your GooglePlus account. These requests make your IP address visible to Google, who may use it in accordance with their data privacy policy:
  • Linkedin Share official button
    We use a Linkedin Share widget at our website to allow you to share our webpages on Linkedin. These requests may track your IP address in accordance with their data privacy policy:
  • Pinterest Save official button
    We use Pinterest Save widget at our website to allow you to pin images to Pinterest from our webpages. These requests may track your IP address in accordance with their data privacy policy:
  • Buffer official button
    We use Buffer widget at our website to allow you to add our webpages to your Buffer account, which collects log data from your browser. This Log Data may include information such as your IP address, browser type or the domain at which you are interacting with the widget, in accordance with their privacy policy:
  • Xing Share official button
    We use Xing Share widget at our website to allow you to share our webpages on Xing and this let Xing collate data about you automatically by means of tracking, in accordance with their privacy policy:
  • Reddit Badge official button
    We use Reddit Badge widget at our website which may log information when you interact with the widget. This may include your IP address, user-agent string, browser type, operating system, referral URLs, device information (e.g., device IDs), pages visited, links clicked, user interactions (e.g., voting data), the requested URL and hardware settings, in accordance with their privacy policy:
  • StumbleUpon Badge official button
    We use StumbleUpon Badge widget at our website which may log information when you interact with the widget. Log Data is a form of Non-Identifying Information, in accordance with their privacy policy:
    Read more here :


Personoplysninger er alle slags informationer, der i et eller andet omfang kan henføres til dig. Når du benytter vores website indsamler og behandler vi en række sådanne informationer. Det sker f.eks. ved alm. tilgang af indhold, hvis du tilmelder dig vores nyhedsbrev, deltager i konkurrencer eller undersøgelser, registrerer dig som bruger eller abonnent, øvrig brug af services eller foretager køb via websitet.

Vi indsamler og behandler typisk følgende typer af oplysninger: Et unikt ID og tekniske oplysninger om din computer, tablet eller mobiltelefon, dit IP-nummer, geografisk placering, samt hvilke sider du klikker på (interesser). I det omfang du selv giver eksplicit samtykke hertil og selv indtaster informationerne behandles desuden: Navn, telefonnummer, e-mail, adresse og betalingsoplysninger. Det vil typisk være i forbindelse med oprettelse af login eller ved køb.

Vi har truffet tekniske og organisatoriske foranstaltninger mod, at dine oplysninger hændeligt eller ulovligt bliver slettet, offentliggjort, fortabt, forringet eller kommer til uvedkommendes kendskab, misbruges eller i øvrigt behandles i strid med lovgivningen.

Oplysningerne bruges til at identificere dig som bruger og vise dig de mulige annoncer, som vil have størst sandsynlighed for at være relevante for dig, samt at kunne levere de services, du har efterspurgt, som f.eks. at fremsende et nyhedsbrev. Herudover anvender vi oplysningerne til at optimere vores services og indhold.

Periode for opbevaring
Oplysningerne opbevares i det tidsrum, der er tilladt i henhold til lovgivningen, og vi sletter dem, når de ikke længere er nødvendige. Perioden afhænger af karakteren af oplysningen og baggrunden for opbevaring. Det er derfor ikke muligt at angive en generel tidsramme for, hvornår informationer slettes.

Videregivelse af oplysninger
Data om din brug af websitet, hvilke annoncer, du modtager og evt. klikker på, geografisk placering, køn og alderssegment m.v. videregives til tredjeparter i det omfang disse oplysninger er kendt. Du kan se hvilke tredjeparter, der er tale om, i afsnittet om ”Cookies” ovenfor. Oplysningerne anvendes til målretning af annoncering.

Vi benytter herudover en række tredjeparter til opbevaring og behandling af data. Disse behandler udelukkende oplysninger på vores vegne og må ikke anvende dem til egne formål.

Videregivelse af personoplysninger som navn og e-mail m.v. vil kun ske, hvis du giver samtykke til det. Vi anvender kun databehandlere i EU eller i lande, der kan give dine oplysninger en tilstrækkelig beskyttelse.

Indsigt og klager
Du har ret til at få oplyst, hvilke personoplysninger, vi behandler om dig. Du kan desuden til enhver tid gøre indsigelse mod, at oplysninger anvendes. Du kan også tilbagekalde dit samtykke til, at der bliver behandlet oplysninger om dig. Hvis de oplysninger, der behandles om dig, er forkerte har du ret til at de bliver rettet eller slettet. Henvendelse herom kan ske til: Hvis du vil klage over vores behandling af dine personoplysninger, har du også mulighed for at tage kontakt til Datatilsynet.

Websitet ejes og publiceres af:

Tanja og Birger Bovin, Skovhusevej 26, DK-4720 Præstø
Telefon : +45 61681678 – E-mail: